måndag 2 november 2009

Web-accessible schedule

The updated schedule is on the web. Hopefully there will be no more changes to the schedule from now on.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Is it possible to get a plan of the content of the lectures? For those of us that are unable to be there in person and would like to catch up ourselves through the literature!

  2. I'm a little after on some things, but I (for example) just published comprehensive and complete info about the exam and grading (will post a separate message about that here on the blog later) and about the (group) design task you will do.

    In the lecture notes from lecture 1 (available in Bilda) you can see the topics of the coming lectures, but I can actually not (at least not at the moment) give you specific information about the literature beyond the coming week (TBD RSN).



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