måndag 9 november 2009

This/next weeks readings

I'm sure you have been quite busy with the seminar 2 assignment up until now.

When you are finished with the assignment, this is what you should read to prepare for this week's (first) lecture and the seminar 3 assignment (next week):

- Benkler (2006), "Emergence of the Networked Public Sphere", (chapter 7 in Benkler (2006), "The wealth of networks")
- Ramos (200X), "Linked: The new science of networks" (short introduction to network theory through the review of the book "Linked" by Barabási (2002)).

Quite a lot to read (it just so happened that the relevant Benkler chapter is 60 pages long) - but still less to read than last week.

Don't forget that we have a second lecture this week. It's a guest lecture and I will get back with more information about it soon.

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