måndag 16 november 2009

This/next weeks readings

When you are finished with the seminar 3 assignment, this is what you should read to prepare for this week's lecture on "Participatory culture" and the seminar 4 assignment (next week):

1) Benkler (2006), "The wealth of networks"; "Autonomy, Information and the law" (chapter 5)
2) Benkler (2006), "The wealth of networks"; "A culture both plastic and critical", (chapter 8)
3) Jenkins (2006), "Convergence culture"; "Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Grassroots creativity meets the media industry" (Chapter 5)

- Of the two chapters in Benkler, chapter 5 is clearly the less interesting, especially the parts where you notice that Benkler is a legal scholar. You can read those parts more cursorily
- I know some media technology students own the Jenkins book from a previous course. An alternative to this text from 2006 is a "previous" version of this text, "Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Digital cinema, media convergence and participatory culture" (2003). I glanced through this text and presume it's similar enough. I downloaded the text from Jenkins homepage and have uploaded it to Bilda. It is accessbile in the seminar folder and is called "091125 Seminar 4 Jenkins.pdf". You can also read the paper online at Google books (pages 281-310).

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