söndag 29 november 2009

Late assignments

I have told you before to send late assignments by mail to me.

I now realize that a better solution is to create a folder in Bilda where you can drop late assignments. That folder is called "Seminar 1-5 - Late assignments".

Don't forget to both include your name and the seminar number in the title of your text/file before you upload the file!

2 kommentarer:

  1. so does that mean that I should upload the late assignment that I send to you by email last week?

  2. Yes, actually it's a good idea when I think about it. Then it's in Bilda in the specific designated place and also easier for me to read/send feedback when I read it (since that function is built-in).

    Don't forget your name and the number of the seminar in the title of the paper.


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