torsdag 5 november 2009

Seminar assignment 2

Seminar assignment 2 is available in Bilda. Please read the instructions carefully, use the "Seminar assignment template" (available in Bilda) and upload the assignment to Bilda (under "contents/seminar2")

Do note that there are three "drop boxes" for your assignments in Bilda depending on if you belong to group 1, 2 or 3.

Please also note that there is a deadline for the assignment 19 hours before your seminar group will meet. If you belong to group 2 (seminar on Tuesday Nov 10 at 10-12), then your deadline is Monday at 15.00. This is as late as possible before the seminar for me to still have a chance to look at your texts before we meet.

For next week's seminar:
- Read the instructions "091104 Seminar 1 assignment" (available in Bilda)
- Download and use the "Seminar assignment template" (available in Bilda)
- Write the assignment using the template
- Upload the assignment to Bilda (under "contents/seminar 1") before the seminar

6 kommentarer:

  1. I hope to join group 1, my personal number is 870317-6563

  2. Hej Daniel
    As far as you requested to leave our messages on the blog, again I guess me and some others have a collision on Tuesday seminar so we have to attend the seminar for group 1 and we are in griou 2 already!
    Does that 19 hours before apply for us as a group 1 member or group 2?
    Yashar Mansoori

  3. Well, I first of all want you to not change seminar groups unless absolutely neccessary.

    But if you change seminar group, I would prefer for you to keep the deadline of your "ordinary" rather than "temporary" group as well as upload your document in your "ordinary" rather than "temporary" group drop-box in Bilda (e.g. use your "ordinary" group's deadline rather than your "temporary" group's).

    For you to do anything else would just make things so much more complicated for me to keep track of!

  4. Hi Daniel,

    I have been sick for over a week now and I were not able to go on the first seminar and now not the second either! Is there anything I can do? Extra assignments or something? I really want to continue the course.

    Best regards,

  5. Well, you should hand in the assignments even if you can't come to the semianar. The assignments are graded. You should hand the assignments in even if they are late.

    See the blog post about course examination and grading for info about how it works.


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