onsdag 28 oktober 2009

Seminar groups

There are three seminar groups in the course and each student will follow one of them.

I believe that some students might also study one of the following courses:
- 622 - Business to Business Marketing (at the Sth School of Economics)
- DM2517 - XML for publishing (at KTH)

I have adjusted the seminar groups so that only one out of three groups will not be suitable for students who take one of either of those two courses.

Please prepare yourself by thinking about which seminar group you would like to belong to. My own preference is that there should be more or less the same number of people in all the three groups. We'll discuss the seminar groups further at the introductory lecture tomorrow.

1 kommentar:

  1. I'm not sure we can determine the groups at the introductory lecture today. If not, this has to be done electronically as soon as possible!



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